SUA suspendă programele de încredere pentru călătorii rezidenți din New York

US Travel reacționează la suspendarea intrării globale pentru rezidenții din New York
SUA suspendă programele de încredere pentru călătorii rezidenți din New York

U.S. Travel Association Executive Vice President for Public Affairs and Policy Tori Emerson Barnes issued the following statement on the reported suspension of Intrare globală and several other trusted traveler programs for residents of the state of New York:

“Travel should not be politicized. Trusted traveler programs enhance our national security because they provide greater certainty regarding a person’s identity, citizenship, and criminal background. Suspending enrollment in Global Entry and other trusted traveler programs only undermines travel security and efficiency. We are in contact with the Department of Homeland Security to convey this message.”


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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