Echipa Consiliului de Turism din Seychelles a vizitat partenerii comerciali din Scandinavia

Compus de Linda Hohnholz

Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) head of the company, Mrs. Sherin Francis and Key STB representatives on the European market visited trade partners in Northern Europe in May this year.

A ‘premiere’ for the STB team as they approached top players during a series of trade events in the Scandinavian Travel Trade outbound industry and media in the three capital cities, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo.

In each city, the format was welcome networking session, round table discussions followed by a three-course dinner. Only our main Tour Operating partners were invited and about 15 to 20 attended per city.

Onboard the marketing expedition were STB Regional Director for Europe, Mrs. Bernadette Willemin and Ms. Karen Confait, STB Director Scandinavia, Russia/CIS & Eastern Europe.

In each city, the prominent partners on the Scandinavian market for Seychelles were invited for an intimate private dinner and round table conversation and dialogue on possible strategies for the expansion of the Scandinavian market for the destination.

Speaking about her recent visit on the Scandinavian market, STB Chief Executive mentioned that this initiative is a fact-finding mission for the STB, which is why the team opted for this format.

“The setting during this first visit was designed to gather intelligence in subtle manner for our future use in reviewing our strategy for this specific market. We wanted the partner’s views and feedback on the state of the market, the performance of the destination as well as issues that they are encountering when selling and in the destination itself,” said Mrs. Francis.

Mrs. Francis further stated that although the Scandinavian market seems only a small part of the total number of international tourists, she is confident that the market has big potential.

“It is not the number that are decisive in our case here. Meeting partners on a one-to-one basis is strategic for us, as it is far more important for us to attract the right clientele; guests who have the same core values ​​as the Seychelles and is interested in local culture and the environment, explained the STB Chief Executive.

A recurring topic during the various discussions with both the trade and media as one of the key issue right now in the Nordics where the “flight shaming” phenomenon is a growing concern affecting the tourism industry.

The STB team spoke at lengths on the matter, the main message that the team passed across is that Seychelles is doing so much to counterbalance the carbon footprint of all visitors landing on our shores.

In Copenhagen and Oslo, the STB organized a tea time session with few press partners, to discuss the various initiatives Seychelles is undertaking regarding marine conservation and sustainable tourism; in the spirit of keeping the Scandinavians potential holidaymakers abreast with the destination’s ecological stand and ecotourism.

During the presentations the STB Chief Executive, elaborated on the Seychelles “Blue Bond” project to support marine life as one of the world´s biodiversity hotspots, were presented for the media with great interest. Seychelles first television broadcast below Ocean´s surface with the Seychelles’ President ahead of cooperation with Nekton Mission for preserving the Indian Ocean´s Eco-system and film teaser, received applause from both travel trade and media, in all three countries.

At the end of this first visit in Scandinavia, the trade partners commented that they were honored efforts made by the STB Chief Executive and team made to come meet them.


  • In each city, the prominent partners on the Scandinavian market for Seychelles were invited for an intimate private dinner and round table conversation and dialogue on possible strategies for the expansion of the Scandinavian market for the destination.
  • A recurring topic during the various discussions with both the trade and media as one of the key issue right now in the Nordics where the “flight shaming” phenomenon is a growing concern affecting the tourism industry.
  • We wanted the partner's views and feedback on the state of the market, the performance of the destination as well as issues that they are encountering when selling and in the destination itself,” said Mrs.


Despre autor

Linda Hohnholz

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