Bazinele publice din Barcelona au ordonat să înceteze „discriminarea” și să meargă în topless

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Barcelona city officials have issued an order to public swimming pools, saying women must be allowed to swim topless because forcing ladies to cover up amounts to ‘discrimination’.

Officials stressed that the practice of ‘going topless’ has in fact never been prohibited, and that the Office for Non-Discrimination (OND) had penned a report on the matter as a reminder to centers which may have their own, unofficial dress codes.

Local activists turned to the OND after a woman complained that she had been told to cover her chest while using a pool.

The office ruled that not allowing topless women would be “discriminatory.” Any pool facility refusing to comply with the non-discrimination edict could face sanctions, reports say.


  • Has in fact never been prohibited, and that the Office for Non-Discrimination (OND) had penned a report on the matter as a reminder to centers which may have their own, unofficial dress codes.
  • Local activists turned to the OND after a woman complained that she had been told to cover her chest while using a pool.
  • Barcelona city officials have issued an order to public swimming pools, saying women must be allowed to swim topless because forcing ladies to cover up amounts to ‘discrimination’.


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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