Administrația Trump impune noi restricții de călătorie Cubei


Noi reguli, care vor face mai greu pentru americani să viziteze Cuba, vor fi lansate astăzi.

US administration is imposing new travel and commerce restrictions on Cuba.

The new rules, which will make it harder for Americans to visit the island nation, will be released on today. Americans wanting to visit Cuba will have to go as part of organized tour groups run by US companies.

A representative of the sponsoring group must accompany the travelers.

The Treasury Department is exempting trips booked before Trump announced his Cuba policy on June 16.

Americans are also banned from doing business with dozens of hotels, shops and other businesses that the State Department says are linked to Cuba’s military.


  • The new rules, which will make it harder for Americans to visit the island nation, will be released on today.
  • Americans wanting to visit Cuba will have to go as part of organized tour groups run by US companies.
  • A representative of the sponsoring group must accompany the travelers.


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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