UNWTO: Ziua Mondială a Turismului pune accent pe inovare și transformare digitală


World Tourism Day is a unique opportunity to raise awareness on tourism’s actual and potential contribution to sustainable development.

The importance of digital technologies in tourism, providing opportunities for innovation and preparing the sector for the future of work, is at the center of World Tourism Day 2018, to be celebrated in Budapest, Hungary (27 September 2018).

Ziua Mondială a Turismului, sărbătorită în fiecare 27 septembrie în întreaga lume, este o oportunitate unică de sensibilizare a contribuției actuale și potențiale a turismului la dezvoltarea durabilă.

This year’s World Tourism Day (WTD) will help to put the opportunities provided to tourism, by technological advances including big data, artificial intelligence and digital platforms, on the map of sustainable development. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) sees digital advances and innovation as part of the solution to the challenge of marrying continued growth with a more sustainable and responsible tourism sector.

“Harnessing innovation and digital advances provides tourism with opportunities to improve inclusiveness, local community empowerment and efficient resource management, amongst other objectives within the wider sustainable development agenda”, said UNWTO secretarul general Zurab Pololikashvili.

The WTD official celebration will be held in Budapest, Hungary, a country enjoying steady growth of tourism backed by consistent policy support and a commitment to the digital future. Other celebrations will take place worldwide.
The official celebration will also see the announcement of the semi-finalists of the 1st UNWTO Concursul Startup Turism, lansat de UNWTO and Globalia to give visibility to startups with innovative ideas capable of revolutionizing the way we travel and enjoy tourism.

Din 1980, Organizația Mondială a Turismului a Națiunilor Unite a sărbătorit Ziua Mondială a Turismului ca sărbătorire internațională pe 27 septembrie. Această dată a fost aleasă deoarece în acea zi din 1970, Statutul UNWTO were adopted. The adoption of these Statutes is considered a milestone in global tourism. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the role of tourism within the international community and to demonstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. The slogan in 2017 of the day is “sustainable tourism”.


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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