Turismul global a pierdut 195 miliarde de dolari din venituri din cauza pandemiei COVID-19

Industria turismului global în venituri de 195 miliarde dolari
Turismul global a pierdut 195 miliarde de dolari din venituri din cauza pandemiei COVID-19
Compus de Harry Johnson

Travel experts have looked into the biggest revenue losses and highest percentage of GDP lost per country to reveal which countries have seen the greatest financial impact as a result of the loss of tourism caused by COVID-19. Travel and tourism has been one of the main industries to be gravely affected by COVID-19, leaving…

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  • Travel experts have looked into the biggest revenue losses and highest percentage of GDP lost per country to reveal which countries have seen the greatest financial impact as a result of the loss of tourism caused by COVID-19.
  • Travel and tourism has been one of the main industries to be gravely affected by COVID-19, leaving….
  • Abonamentul este GRATUIT.


Despre autor

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson a fost editorul de sarcini pentru eTurboNews de mai mult de 20 de ani. Locuiește în Honolulu, Hawaii și este originar din Europa. Îi place să scrie și să acopere știrile.

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