Green Marine: Port Canaveral primește distincția de excelență ecologică


Port Canaveral has received Green Marine certification a second time for advancing environmental excellence in maritime transportation and demonstrating “green” corporate leadership. The certification was presented to the Port at the GreenTech 2019 environmental conference in Cleveland last week. Port Canaveral is only one of two seaports in Florida, and one of twenty-two ports nationwide to receive this distinction.

“Port Canaveral is raising the bar in the maritime industry’s commitment to best environmental practices,” stated Capt. John Murray, Port CEO. “Green Marine certification is more than a one-time achievement and involves responsibility for the implementation of long-term sustainable environmental goals.”

Bob Musser, Port Canaveral Senior Director, Environmental, attended the conference and accepted the certification on behalf of Port Canaveral. “This benchmark certification measures and evaluates our environmental performance. Our engagement in multiple initiatives demonstrates our commitment to greener environmental practices.”

Green Marine promotes voluntary protection measures to continuously improve environmental performance. Certification is a rigorous process with the development of guiding principles beyond regulatory compliance in key areas such as aquatic invasive species, greenhouse gases and air pollutants, spill prevention, storm water and waste management, underwater noise, community impacts and environmental leadership. Criteria are used to assess performance of Green Marine participants during an annual self-evaluation and a biennial third-party verification, designed to improve the awareness of the marine industry’s activities and environmental benefits.

“For its first certification, in 2017, Green Marine’s detailed criteria within specific performance indicators assisted Port Canaveral in benchmarking its environmental performance,” noted Green Marine Executive Director, David Bolduc. “The Port is showing, once again, results beyond compliance for all applicable indicators and even reaches the highest level 5 for spill prevention indicator, demonstrating excellence and leadership.”

Green Marine is an international certification program that includes ports, terminal operators, shipyards and ship owners. Port Canaveral joined the Green Marine program in 2016.


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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