Proiect de lege pentru a proteja FAA de viitoarele închideri guvernamentale, binevenite de companiile aeriene


Airlines for America (A4A) today issued the following statement in support of Congressman Peter DeFazio’s bill that would shield FAA programs and personnel from the effects of government shutdowns in the future:

“We appreciate Chairman DeFazio’s leadership in identifying real solutions to ensure that the FAA remains fully operational and that the dedicated federal employees who protect and maintain our nation’s aviation system are paid for the critical work they do. The impacts of another government shutdown on the aviation industry are not tolerable; the pressures and strains are not sustainable.

U.S. aviation impacts millions of Americans as well as the nation’s economy. This industry helps drive $1.5 trillion in economic activity and supports more than 10 million jobs. Each and every day U.S. carriers fly 2.3 million passengers and move 55,000 tons of cargo.

We remain committed to working with the Chairman, his colleagues on the committee and all members of Congress to prevent future disruptions to this country’s aviation system.


  • “We appreciate Chairman DeFazio’s leadership in identifying real solutions to ensure that the FAA remains fully operational and that the dedicated federal employees who protect and maintain our nation’s aviation system are paid for the critical work they do.
  • We remain committed to working with the Chairman, his colleagues on the committee and all members of Congress to prevent future disruptions to this country’s aviation system.
  • Airlines for America (A4A) today issued the following statement in support of Congressman Peter DeFazio’s bill that would shield FAA programs and personnel from the effects of government shutdowns in the future.


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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