Kazahstanul lansează intrarea fără viză pentru cetățenii din 12 țări

Kazahstanul lansează fără viză cetățenii din 12 țări

Republica Kazahstan a lansat o fără vize entry policy for citizens of 12 more states, official representative of Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

According to the official, Kazakhstan has expanded the list of countries with visa-free entry. Additional 12 countries are added in the list of 45 states. Among them are Bahrain, Vatican, Vietnam, Indonesia, Qatar, Colombia, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the Philippines.

The resolution provides for granting of the right to visa-free entry and exit for citizens of these countries if the period of their stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan does not exceed 30 calendar days from the moment of crossing the state border.

According to the official, abolition of visa formalities is aimed at increasing the number of foreign investors, businessmen and tourists.


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Editor șef al misiunilor

Redactorul șef al sarcinilor este Oleg Siziakov

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