De ce nu mai aveți nevoie de un I-94 pentru a călători în SUA

De ce nu mai aveți nevoie de un I-94 pentru a călători în SUA
De ce nu mai aveți nevoie de un I-94 pentru a călători în SUA

Vizitatorii străini în SUA care sosesc pe cale aeriană sau maritimă nu mai trebuie să completeze hârtia Formular I-94 de înregistrare a sosirii / plecării sau a formularului I-94W Evidență de sosire / plecare a neimigrantului


  1. Data on I-94 program for US travel is readily available at anyone’s fingertips.
  2. Travelers’ arrival/departure information is collected automatically from electronic travel records by US Customs and Border Protection.
  3. Are there instances when an I-94 form is needed?

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) now gathers travelers’ arrival/departure information automatically from their electronic travel records. In addition, the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTO) of the International Trade Administration (ITA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates overseas visitor arrivals statistics (I-94 Program) for the US Travel and Tourism Statistical System.

Today, ITA National Travel and Tourism Office announced 2 new data visualization tools called the I-94 Visitor Arrivals Monitors, one based on country of residence (COR) și one based on country of citizenship (COC).

NTTO now displays data summaries and graphic visualizations on total overseas visits to the United States as well as visits by major world regions.

Anyone can view this information by click aici.

The datasets will report the most recent available data for international visitation (overseas, Canada, and Mexico). The comprehensive I-94 Excel workbooks currently provided to the public pe acest site will also remain available.

When might you need an I-94?


  • In addition, the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTO) of the International Trade Administration (ITA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates overseas visitor arrivals statistics (I-94 Program) for the US Travel and Tourism Statistical System.
  • Today, ITA National Travel and Tourism Office announced 2 new data visualization tools called the I-94 Visitor Arrivals Monitors, one based on country of residence (COR) and one based on country of citizenship (COC).
  • NTTO now displays data summaries and graphic visualizations on total overseas visits to the United States as well as visits by major world regions.

Despre autor

Avatarul Lindei Hohnholz, editor eTN

Linda Hohnholz, editor eTN

Linda Hohnholz scrie și editează articole de la începutul carierei sale profesionale. Ea a aplicat această pasiune înnăscută în locuri precum Universitatea Hawaii Pacific, Universitatea Chaminade, Centrul de descoperire a copiilor din Hawaii și acum TravelNewsGroup.

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